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We, the Left-Handed People of the World, in order to create equality and opportunity for all,
present this Charter to foster acceptance and inclusion of left-handedness in all aspects of
our lives.

Left-handedness is a natural variation of human handedness but is subject to bias, prejudice
and discrimination globally. Acceptance will ensure that left-handed people around the
world are supported to fully develop their skills and talents without being restricted in the
use of their left hand. We also include left-footers as well as those who are left eye dominant
or left ear dominant amongst the left-handed fraternity.

We are grateful to the former Lefthanders International, of Topeka City, Kansas State, USA,
for having created a precedence and a profound document many decades ago, now the
foundation of this document.

We implore legislators, educators, employers and manufacturers to ensure the handedness
of all is included in their deliberations, actions, processes and designs, and not just for the

With all humility and no offense or malice to any being, belief, rule of law, any government,

religious doctrines or methodology, to parents and teachers, and to the majority right-
handers of the world, we submit the following 10 articles before the entire world to seek their

support and acceptance, ensuring our well-being and progress as equal human beings.


Article 1:
All persons shall be guaranteed the freedom to practice and enjoy their natural hand
preference for all daily acts of all kinds – personal, professional or religious – without any
influence from parents, teachers, peers or society at large through any written or unwritten
law, custom, precedence or superstition.

Article 2:
All left-handed persons shall enjoy the freedom, encouragement and instruction to develop
their talents and skills to the fullest in any field of their preference.

Article 3:
Left-handers shall be entitled to offer their dominant left hand in greetings such as a
handshake, salute, aadaab or salaam, when taking oaths, and for personal and religious
rituals. Greetings using both hands and neither hand should also be welcomed.

Article 4:
There shall be no discrimination against left-handers in any field of employment or
endeavour, including sporting and leisure activities. Equipment, tooling and workstations
must be appropriate to the handedness of the person using them. Rules and procedures
must allow the freedom of the left hand whilst ensuring safety, efficiency and fairness for all.

Article 5:
Left-handers shall have the freedom to refrain from apologising for their handedness or
hiding their left hand in social situations or religious rituals.

Article 6:
All persons shall have the privilege of diminishing the use of the word ‘right’ to mean
‘correct’, by substituting with ‘correct’, ‘OK’, ‘true’ and similar affirmatives.

Article 7:
All persons shall be entitled to actively discourage the use of the word ‘left’ in a negative
connotation, e.g. no more having two left feet and left-handed compliments.

Article 8:
Educational policymakers and curriculum-setters, from pre-primary to post graduate, should
incorporate handedness in the entire education process. Educators must be fully prepared
to teach and support the natural left-handedness of their students when they enter the

Article 9:
Governments of all Nations should allocate the required resources, finances and personnel
to build programs and resources to raise all left-hander’s skills to parity with those of the
right-handed majority. Such actions should include provisions that ensures equality in
opportunity on an ongoing basis.

Article 10:

The 13th Day of August each year shall continue to be observed as ‘International Left-
Handers’ Day’ throughout the world, championing the freedoms, worth and dignity of left-


It is desirable that the United Nations, or other appropriate international body, take the
required actions to enable the acceptance and implementation of the principles outlined in
this Charter.


Created by
Left-hander’s Education Forum &
Training International Network

Endorsed at the

International Conference on Left-Handedness
Africa, August 2023


© Copyright, 2023

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